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Yearly projects -פרויקטים שנתיים

המעבדה מציעה השנה מספר פרויקטים כפי שמתואר, מיועד בעיקר לתלמידי שנה ד'.

We offer a number of project this year, as shown below

DNA origami DNA-protein interaction.png

DNA origami for
DNA-protein interaction

DNA Origami מאפשר לבנות מבנים במימד ננומטרי מ- DNA בלבד. עם קצת יצירתיות, ניתן לבנות מבנים שמשמשים למחקר ואפילו להעברת תרופות לגוף. 

במסגרת הפרויקט הנוכחי, נפתח מבנה שמאפשר לבדוק את הקישור של חלבון כלשהוא ל- DNA. המבנה מאפשר מדידות מאוד מדויקות של הקשר לחלבון, ופותח פתח להבנה של תהליכים רבים שמתרחשים בגרעין התא.

במסגרת הפרויקט הצוות יתכנן ויבנה מבנה כזה. המבנה ימדד בשיטה מיקרוסקופית מאוד מתקדמת, AFM ויערוך ניסויים לבדיקת הקישור של חלבון מיוחד.

ראו מאמר על DNA Origami:  קישור למאמר.

AI for cancer detection using spectral imaging 

What is spectral imaging?

What is color, really? Light is an electromagnetic wave that has various wavelengths and visible light ranging from 380 to 750 nanometers. Our eyes perceive color through three types of receptors, known as cones, which are sensitive to different parts of the spectrum corresponding to red, green, and blue (RGB). In a spectral imaging system, light is measured across many wavelengths, allowing it to capture more detailed information than a typical camera or the human eye can perceive.



What is the goal of our project?

 As AI technology progresses, its applications in medical data continue to expand. A key advantage of AI is that the performance of its algorithms improves with access to larger amounts of data. In this project, we aim to leverage spectral information to enhance the classification and segmentation of cancer in biopsy samples.

Chromatin dynamics:
Genome organization in the nucleus

Genome organization in the nucleus?

The genome in the nucleus is organized in a fascinating manner. It allows complex process to happen in an ordered and controlled manner. What are the principles of this organization?
We are studying it by using novel methods that involves:
* Live cell imaging - by using advance microscopy methods

* Advanced image processing including time and space correlations and more.

In the project, we will learn how to label specific proteins in live cell, and how to measure its dynamics. 

We will then process the time-lapse data in order to extract the dynamics of the chromatin and to understand which proteins are affecting it.

Mechanobiology of the nucleus

What are the mechanical properties
of the nucleus?

We will explore the relations between chromatin mechanics and its dynamics, structure and function.
It is based on a setup that can measure the local response of chromatin to external force. We will especially study the role of lamin A in chromatin mechanics and its effect on the viscoelasticity of the system.

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