The one concerned with days, plants wheat;
with years, plants trees;
with generations, educates people
Janusz Korczak
Probability and Statistics
Probability & statistics are important for sciences, but are particularly so in all the exact sciences. They do not only deal with measurement errors as one may think. As one learns from the laws of nature, uncertainty and 'noise' are intrinsic parts of nature. One could say that in basic science, there are more stochastic (random) processes than deterministic ones.
To learn how to live in this non-intuitive environment of uncertainly, probability and statistics are crucial.

Advanced Optical Microscopy
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that either tries to explain biological phenomena with physical models, develop novel physical tools for biological studies, or both.
This course is aimed for students at the Master’s level or higher, those with Bachelors physics or biophysics background. Courses in Electromagnetism and optics are essential.
The course will last for one semester 3 lecture hours a week.

Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the study, imaging, measuring, modeling, or manipulating of matter at the nanometer scale. The term nano is derived from the Greek word for “dwarf” and it means one billionth of a meter, 10 meter.
The National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA) defines nanotechnology as “the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 – 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications”.
Nanoscience is an interdisciplinary field at the interface between physics, chemistry, material science and biology. Nanotechnology is the application of Nanoscience; it has already led to new developments, including new optoelectronic devices, materials and biomedical applications. Nanoscience may have a large impact on computing. This course will provide the fundamentals of nanoscience and will include a list of selected topics that will be presented by different staff members.

Advanced Biophysics
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that either tries to explain biological phenomena with physical models, develop novel physical tools for biological studies, or both.
This course is aimed for students at the Master’s level or higher, those with a BSc physics or engineering. Courses in electromagnetism and optics are essential.
The course will last for one semester (~14 weeks), 3 lecture hours a week. Third-year students may participate as well.