Eugene Brozgol
PhD student
Department of Physics,
Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
Phone: +972-3-531-7393
Fax: +972-3-738-4054
Present – Ph.D. in Biophysics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2017 – M. Sc. in Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2014 – B. Sc. in Physics , Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Research Overview
Super-resolution microscopy (STED). Single molecule studies
A. Vivante, E. Brozgol, I. Bronshtein, V. Levi and Y. Garini, Chromatin dynamics governed by a set of nuclear structural proteins, Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 58, 437-451 (2019).
A. Vivante, E. Brozgol, I. Bronshtein and Y.Garini, Genome organization in the nucleus: From dynamic measurements to a functional model, Methods 123, 128-137 (2017).
N. Aloush, T. Schvartz, A. I König, S. Cohen, E. Brozgol, B. Tam, D. Nachmias, O. Ben-David, Y. Garini, N. Elia and E. Arbely, Live Cell Imaging of Bioorthogonally Labelled Proteins Generated With a Single Pyrrolysine tRNA Gene, Scientific Reports 8, 14527 (2018).
The 2nd Israeli Biophotonics Conference, December, 2015, Bar-Ilan University, Israel: “Stimulated Emission (STED) pulsed microscope with supercontinuum laser source” (Oral talk)
Super-resolution microscopy workshop, May 2015, Sde Boker, “Stimulated Emission (STED) pulsed microscope with supercontinuum laser source” (poster)