Efrat Roth
PhD student
Department of Physics,
Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
Phone: +972-3-531-7393
Fax: +972-3-738-4054
present – Ph.D. in Biophysics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2016 – M. Sc. in Biophysics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2014 – B. Sc. in Biophysics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Research Overview
Single molecule studies using DNA origami in vitro
E. Roth, A. Glick Azaria, O. Girshevitz, A. Bitler and Y. Garini, Measuring the Persistence Length of Single-Stranded DNA Using a DNA Origami Structure, Nano Letters 8, 14527 (2018).
BINA Annual Internal Conference, may 2017: “Single molecule measurements of a DNA origami polymer-like structure” (poster)
Israel Physical Society, December 2016: “Single molecule measurements of a DNA origami polymer-like structure” (poster)
Biophysics Annual Meeting, October 2016: “Single molecule measurements of a DNA origami polymer-like structure” (poster)
I-CORE Annual Meeting, September 2016: “Single molecule measurements of a DNA origami polymer-like structure” (poster)
NanoIsrael 2016, The 5th International Nanotechnology Conference & Exhibition, February 2016, “The Dynamic Properties of a DNA Origami Polymer Structure” (poster)
I-CORE Annual Meeting, October 2015: “The Dynamic Properties of a DNA Origami Polymer Structure” (poster)
Biophysics Annual Meeting, October 2015: “The Dynamic Properties of a DNA Origami Polymer Structure” (poster)